Elite Team Member Since 2015

Cindy Hutchings

Cindy began her triathlon career in 1987 with 2 BudLight Tri’s with a very fun group of friends. There was no training, a borrowed hybrid bike and a visit to the medical tent. Apparently hydration is important, especially in heat. Then life got in the way with grad school and family. As I was trying to shed baby #2 weight one day, a gym friend encouraged me to try triathlons again. I signed up for the Columbia Triathlon, loaded my son in the baby jogger and scouted the course. I have been hooked ever since.  Exercise has always been a sanity release for me. In fact, my kids as toddlers would tell me “Mommy needs a turn now” and I always used my “turn” for exercise. Some things never change….

This year I am training for KONA and looking for redemption after getting untimely cases of covid, then rebound covid immediately before Kona last year.  I am still learning about the 140.6 distance after doing my first one in 2021.  I really enjoy training which is a huge benefit to my mental health. For 2023, I am looking forward to the physical and mental challenge of many 70.3s and maybe another 140.6 as I prepare for Kona. You can find me riding endless miles at Hains Point or the Poolesville area on the Club Saturday ride. Please come keep me company!!

About Cindy

65-69 / Born and raised in Chicago


Swimmer in high school, and always learning new sports since I can’t sit still

Hopefully new strength is eating/drinking (early and often!) followed by swim and determination

Enjoy training and racing as I prepare for Kona. Also want to avoid Covid, especially in September and October

Potomac/Poolesville (and I live in VA)

Married with two adorable kids that have made me an empty nester

Huge workout procrastinator but once I get going, it gets done

ITU World Championships – the crowd energy is amazing.  Also any race I don’t get a flat.

Finishing my first race and wanting to do it again!

Traveling and being with family

Dark chocolate and brussel spouts (but not touching each other 

I used to say Oly/70.3 but I am so intrigued by the 140.6 distance and how much more I have to learn

Racing with the Club.
Yes, this sounds cheesy but the fun community is what keeps me still racing after all these years.

The Little Engine That Could, which pretty much sums up my approach to life.

Race Schedule:


  • 140.6 World Championships – Kona
  • Ironman 70.3 Atlantic City
  • USAT Age Group Nationals – Olympic and Sprint
  • Ironman 140.6 ???
  • Ironman 70.3 Blue Ridge
  • Local Olympic race April/May
  • Boston Marathon
  • Cherry Blossom 10 miler
  • Rock n Roll USA Half Marathon


  • 70.3 World Championships – St. George
  • 140.6 World Championships – Kona
  • Fall Creek Falls Half
  • USAT Age Group Nationals – Olympic and Sprint
  • Rev3 Williamsburg – 70.3 and Sprint
  • Ironman 70.3 Eagleman
  • Rock n Roll USA Half Marathon


  • Cancelled – ITU Worlds Bermuda – Sprint
  • Richmond Marathon (first stand alone) 
  • Cancelled – Kona World Championships – 140.6
  • Ironman Maryland
  • Cancelled – ITU Worlds Edmonton – Olympic
  • USAT Age Group Nationals – Olympic and Sprint
  • NJ State – Olympic and Sprint
  • Ironman Coeur d’Alene
  • Ironman 70.3 St. George
  • Cancelled – Ironman 70.3 Puerto Rico
  • Cancelled – Rock n Roll USA Half Marathon


  • Atomicman – Half and Sprint (yay for safe racing in TN!)
  • Falls Creek Falls Half (yay for safe racing in TN!)
  • Postponed – Kokopelli Olympic
  • Postponed – ITU Worlds Edmonton – Olympic and Sprint
  • Postponed – USAT Age Group Nationals – Olympic and Sprint
  • Postponed – USAT National Club Championships – Olympic and Sprint
  • Postponed – Ironman 70.3 Muncie
  • Postponed – Rev3 Williamsburg – Olympic and Sprint
  • Postponed – Ironman 140.6 St. George
  • Postponed – Ironman 70.3 Puerto Rico
  • Postponed – Rock n Roll USA Half Marathon
  • Lots of DCRRC races in the winter


  • Annapolis Half Marathon
  • Ironman 70.3 Worlds Nice
  • ITU Worlds Lausanne – Olympic and Sprint
  • USAT Age Group Nationals – Olympic and Sprint
  • Local races to be determined
  • MidEast Club Championships
  • Ironman 70.3 Puerto Rico
  • Rock n Roll USA Half Marathon
  • Lots of DCRRC races in the winter


  • Annapolis Half Marathon
  • Nations (may it RIP)
  • USAT Age Group Nationals – Olympic and Sprint
  • Rev 3 Williamsburg Olympic
  • Escape from Alcatraz!!!!
  • Bear Triathlon
  • Rock n Roll USA Half Marathon
  • Lots of DCRRC races in the winter