Week 5 Workouts and Upcoming Events

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    Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are ready to get back into training! We’re still in the pre-season phase of our program with Week 5 and we are still working on body position and general fitness and strength. If it wasn’t evident from the previous weeks, the points that we are emphasizing right now are Resistance Cord use prior to the session (strength + form), Kicking/Vertical Kicking (body position), and Snorkel Work (body position/hand entry/pull). If by now you still don’t have a snorkel, paddles, and cords, we highly encourage you to invest in these tools to help you improve. Use the SwimOutlet link to see the recommended gear from our coaches. Heading into December, we will be building upon these tools to work on optimizing our pull and putting the finishing touches on this focused period of building a better body position. However, the means to achieve this goal is through specific use of the recommended tools. Please don’t waste this opportunity to build good habits before we get into January.
    SwimOutlet Link: https://www.swimoutlet.com/dctmasters/
    If you have any questions, please ask a coach or email us at masters@dctriclub.org
    -Your MSP Coaches
    Upcoming Events:
    -Taco Monday: Tomorrow night! Come swim and then grab a taco (or 3) with the coaches at District Taco (corner of Brandywine and Wisconsin)!
    -National Club Challenge: December 3rd from 8-11 AM. If you haven’t seen an email from the DC Tri Club about this yet, every year, during the offseason, the club competes with other clubs around the country to rack up the most training miles. December happens to be the month that focuses on the swim and to facilitate this competition, DCTC has reserved the Catholic University pool for 3 hours! Cost per swimmer is 5$ to cover pool fees. Sign up using the link below to kick off Swim Month the right way! Brunch after at 11:30 at Busboys and Poets! Also, this is also a good time for those who are interested to get a qualification time for the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim (to be accepted, applicants must submit documentation that they have either completed a recent open water event or completed a three-mile pool swim in under 2 hours 15 minutes). Swimmers attempting to qualify for this should bring their own counter/counting device. If you’re interested in learning about this great swim event, check the links below!
    NCC Sign Up: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSeZj1_tBxzv3bvNGD…/viewform
    Bay Swim Info: http://www.bayswim.com/
    Bay Swim Lottery: https://register.chronotrack.com/r/31962
    -DC Tri Club Annual Meeting and Kona Viewing: December 9th at Arlington Cinema ‘N’ Drafthouse, 2903 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA 22204 Come and chat with our club partners, and grab beverages and food! The Kona Viewing will begin at 2:30PM, followed by the Annual Meeting portion at 4:00PM, during which you will get a quick recap of 2017 accomplishments, meet next year’s Board of Directors, and our 2017 Club Awards will be unveiled! Expect raffle drawings throughout the event where you will have the opportunity to win some great swag! You must arrive by 4pm to be given raffle tickets. The event is FREE but we please ask that you RSVP through the Eventbrite link below for planning purposes.
    RSVP Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-annual-meeting-kona-viewi…
    -MSP Swim Clinic #1: December 10th, 9-11AM: This two hour technique intensive clinic at the Catholic University Pool is designed to focus on body position, stroke mechanics and to build confidence in the pool for beginner to intermediate triathletes. This small group environment will make good use of a low swimmer to coach ratio and will send swimmers home with individual drills and concepts to reinforce corrections to issues discussed in class. Swimmers should be able to swim 200 yards non-stop, bring hydration, and be open to stroke correction. This clinic is identical to Swim Clinic #2 on 1/14/17.
    -MSP Swim Clinic #2: January 14th, 9-11AM This two hour technique intensive clinic at the Catholic University Pool is designed to focus on body position, stroke mechanics and to build confidence in the pool for beginner to intermediate triathletes. This small group environment will make good use of a low swimmer to coach ratio and will send swimmers home with individual drills and concepts to reinforce corrections to issues discussed in class. Swimmers should be able to swim 200 yards non-stop, bring hydration, and be open to stroke correction. This clinic is identical to Swim Clinic #1 on 12/10/17.
    Week 5 workouts (** indicates Coach’s notes )
    3×20 Resistance Cord Pulls (**do NOT skip)
    Warm Up:
    300 EZ
    4×150 as 50 Kick w/Snorkel & Board, 50 Catchup Drill with Snorkel, 50 Swim on 20s Rest
    **Kick should be done with head down, hands gripping the side bottom of the board with arms fully extended and lightly squeezing the head
    **Catch up Drill should be done slowly and with focus that hands are entering in front of the shoulder and pulling straight back
    4×50 Descend 1-4 60-90% on 10s Rest
    Main 1
    6×200: Descend 1-3, 4-6 60-90% on 30s Rest
    #1: Snorkel + Paddles
    #2: Paddles
    #3: No Gear
    **Focus on #2 and #3 is on maintaining body position felt on #1
    Main 2
    4×50 4 strokes Butterfly into 70% free on 15s Rest
    200 90% on 30s Rest
    4×50 4 strokes Butterfly into 70% free on 15s Rest
    **If you cannot do Butterfly and do not want to try, substitute 8 strokes hard freestyle
    200 Warm Down
    3×20 Resistance Cord Pulls (**do NOT skip)
    Warm Up:
    300 EZ w/Snorkel
    10×50: 25 Catch Up Drill (SLOWLY), 25 Swim @ 60% w/ 20s Vertical Kicking at Each Deep End
    **Swimmers – Pay attention to body position. The body, while kicking, should be perfectly straight, without any bending
    200 Build 60-90% by 50
    **Try for four distinct speeds
    Main 1
    400 Pull with Snorkel & Paddles on 1min Rest
    3×100 Descend 60-90% on 20s Rest
    200 Pull Only Paddles on 30s Rest
    100 All Out
    100 EZ
    Main 2: Two Times Through
    200 Pull with Snorkel & Paddles on 30s Rest
    100 Pull with Paddles on 20s Rest
    100 as 50 @ 90%, 50 @ 70% on 20s Rest
    **Both Main Sets are focusing on maintaining body position experienced on the longer Pull distances.
    200 Warm Down
    3×20 Resistance Cord Pulls (**do NOT skip)
    Warm Up:
    300 EZ w/Snorkel
    4×100 as 25 Kick on back, 25 Left Arm Only, 25 Right Arm Only, 25 Swim on 20s Rest
    **Kick should be done with Arms in a tight streamlined position behind the head, with an emphasis on keeping the belly button at the surface of the water
    **Left and Right Arm Only drills should be done with the non pulling arm extended with hand in front of shoulder. Do not allow hands to come together.
    4×50 Descend 1-4 60-90% on 10s Rest
    8×50 as 8 strokes hard, Cruise 70% on 10s
    200 Pull with Snorkel & Paddles @ 75% on 20s
    100 Pull with Paddles @ 70% on 20s
    6×50 as 12 strokes hard, Cruise 70% on 10s
    200 Pull with Snorkel & Paddles @ 75% on 20s
    100 Pull with Paddles @ 70% on 20s
    4×50 as 16 strokes hard, Cruise 70% on 10s
    200 Pull with Snorkel & Paddles @ 75% on 20s
    100 Pull with Paddles @ 70% on 20s
    2×50 as 8 strokes Butterfly into Free 70% on 10s
    **If you cannot do Butterfly and do not want to try, substitute 20 strokes hard freestyle

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