Eagleman 2018 – roll call

Home Forums News Race News Eagleman 2018 – roll call

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    Just checking in to see who will be racing in Cambridge on Sunday.  Please “attend” in the upcoming races section of the website.  Also, please be sure you are affiliated with the DC Triathlon Club through IRONMAN.

    Hugh H will be bringing the tent and refreshments so we will have a place to hang out before and after the race (another reason why “attending” is important – so we know how many snacks to get).  Huge thanks to him for serving as our race leader!

    FWIW, I’ll be eating at Stoked at 5:45 Sat night.  Be sure to get a reservation (for anywhere you plan to go) as the places will all be busy… and, based on past experience, even with a reservation, be prepared to wait a bit for your table.

    Jason Davis

    Just joined DC Tri and Eagleman is my first triathlon. Getting anxious and excited, I look forward to meeting some of the DC Tri folks there!



    I am heading back to Eagleman after a 3-year absence. Let’s hope for a wetsuit swim, calm winds on the bike, and cloud cover on the run.


    Great seeing a strong crew out there racing and cheering today! And thanks to Hugh for hauling out the tent and refreshments! It was a fun.

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