Amir Toumaj

  • Amir Toumaj replied to the topic Renting bike in the forum Bike 5 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks so much for replying, Justin. Sorry for not stating my bike size earlier; 58 is perfect! My email is if that’s easier for you.

    Many thanks again, I’m very grateful.



  • Amir Toumaj started the topic Renting bike in the forum Bike 5 years, 11 months ago

    Greetings everyone,

    Part of my bike’s saddle post has chipped, and I’ve contacted the manufacturer to ship a new one. I’m a newbie who’s been training for IM under the capable guidance of Coach AJ and have an Oly on Aug 5. Was wondering if someone has a spare bike that I could rent in order to make sure I’m fit for the race.

    Thank you in advance,
