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Luray Olympic (triathlon/duathlon/aquabike)
Aug 17

Luray Olympic (triathlon/duathlon/aquabike)

August 17 @ 8:00 am

Set in the scenic Shenandoah Valley near the town of Luray, Virginia, the Rip It Events Luray Triathlon offers a fun-filled, challenging multi-sport weekend, with relay options for all distances. Register and compete in the Hawksbill Double, both the Sprint & Olympic races.

Olympic Options:

  • Triathlon: 1500 Meter Swim | 25.4 Mile Bike | 6.2 Mile Run
  • Duathlon: 1.5 Mile Run | 25.4 Mile Bike | 6.2 Mile Run
  • Aquabike: 1500 Meter Swim |25.5 Mile Bike
  • Triathlon Relay: 1500 Meter Swim | 25.4 Mile Bike | 6.2 Mile Run
  • Duathlon Relay: 1.5 Mile Run | 25.4 Mile Bike | 6.2 Mile Run

Location: Lake Arrowhead (race site), 265 Lake Arrowhead Rd, Luray, VA 22835

Racing Luray? Let us know that you’re coming and connect with your other DC Tri Club racers!

Registration: https://www.ripitevents.com/luraytriathlon


August 17
8:00 am
Event Category:
