The 12th annual Fall Foliage Ride! The DC Tri Club Elite Team invite you to join us on a leisurely ride to take in the fall foliage along the roads of Montgomery County! The ride will be an easy 40ish miles with stops along the way for apple pie and apple cider, coffee and lattes, and a winery for wine tastings or bottles of goodness. If there is any energy or interest left at the end of the day, we can go grab brunch after the winery.
This ride is open to all club members and friends/family who want to join. Please keep in mind: this is a fun, leisure ride. There are no sprint stages, no KOMs, etc. We will move at a leisurely pace (though please remember that everyone’s leisurely pace is different!), so if you have to get back at a certain time, you might need to move on from the group at some point.
There is no cost to this ride as it’s really just a group of us getting together to ride and have fun. We are stopping at an orchard, a coffee shop, and a winery. Everyone is responsible for purchasing their own items at these venues.
Cue sheets will be provided for all riders who want them. GPS Route will be posted closer to the ride date.