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Jun 22

Columbia Association Triathlon Super Sprint

June 22 @ 8:00 am

The Rip Events Columbia Association Triathlon is a race for all level athletes. Staged at Clemens Crossing Pool in Columbia, MD, participants will complete a pool swim, road bike and paved trail run. The bike course is moderate in elevation change and the run course is relatively flat.

  • ​Super Sprint: 200 Yard Pool Swim, 5 Mile Bike, 1.8 Mile Run
  • Location: Clemens Crossing Pool, 6400 Martin Rd, Columbia, MD 21044
  • Age Requirement: Participants must be 10 yrs and older

Racing Columbia Association Triathlon? Let us know that you’re coming and connect with your other DC Tri Club racers!

Registration: https://www.ripitevents.com/catriathlon



June 22
8:00 am
Event Category:
