Our DC Tri Club kit shop is now open! Place your preorder by March 23: https://www.cutawayusa.com/collections/dctri

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Colonial Beach (NTP/ODP Goal Race)

Colonial Beach, VA
Racing Colonial Beach? Let us know that you’re coming and connect with your other DC Tri Club racers! Registration: https://kineticmultisports.com/races/colonial-beach/

Columbia Association Triathlon Sprint

Staged at Clemens Crossing Pool in Columbia, MD, participants will complete a pool swim, road bike and paved trail run. The ​Sprint is 400 Yard Pool Swim, 10 Mile Bike, 13 Mile Run, for particpants 14 years and older.

Columbia Association Triathlon Super Sprint

Staged at Clemens Crossing Pool in Columbia, MD, participants will complete a pool swim, road bike and paved trail run. The ​Super Sprint is 200 Yard Pool Swim, 5 Mile Bike, 1.8 Mile Run, for particpants 10 years and older.